As educators, we teach but never stop learning. These resources will keep your skills sharp to make you a better teacher, artist, leader, sponsor, etc. We offer leadership opportunities as ways of teaching those interested how to become better leaders both within TAEA and within your community.
Save the Date for the next Annual TAEA Conference! Make plans now to join all your TAEA colleagues November 14-16, 2024 in Galveston, Texas for our next conference. Watch this page and your inbox for more information.
For our 2023 Spring study, we will be going through TED Talks ART Podcast — Top 10.
TAEA provides a list of resources intended as an effort to assist TAEA members in obtaining ideas, inspiration, crafts, techniques, etc. that may be helpful in the classroom.
The TAEA Leadership Scholar Cohort Program is designed to work in tandem with the TAEA Leadership Institute to provide the membership of the Texas Art Education Association (TAEA) with innovative, relevant, structured and supported professional growth focused on leadership skill sets to advance art education.
The Leadership Institute is for members of TAEA who are interested in developing leadership skills and volunteering to serve in TAEA leadership roles.
Schools can submit job vacancy information. And individuals seeking jobs can search for jobs by location.
The TAEA Annual Members Art Show is your place, as the art educator and creative practitioner, to showcase your own artwork.
Click any image to see more information about the artwork.