High School VASE Logo

High School VASE — Overview


A TAEA-sponsored Visual Arts event recognizing exemplary high school student artwork.


Any high school art teacher who is a current TAEA member may enter artworks from as many students as he/she wishes, but no more than 2 works per individual student.


Each individual entry will require a $17 entry fee to cover cost of judging, webmaster, accounting, and medals.


All students and their artwork travel to the High School VASE Regional Event, location set annually by the regional director.


All fees must be paid by the date of your event. All art and forms will be brought to the event with the students and teacher.

Each Work Must Include

  • An Universal Artwork Release Form - to be signed and returned to the teacher.
  • A Student Intent Form filled out online - this does not need to be printed out
  • An Artwork ID Form - to be printed and attached to the artwork
  • A Reference PDF (student photographs, production notes, or sketches compiled by the student into one PDF according to the rules) - to be uploaded
  • A photograph of the artwork - to be uploaded with the online entry
  • Entry Fee - to be paid online or sent to TAEA with your invoice in advance, by the stated due date

Attaching Forms

  • Student Intent Form is completed online according to the rules. This form does not get attached to the artwork.
  • The Artwork ID Form — 2D: tape securely on the back of the artwork (all four sides). 3D: attach to the 3D artwork (folded in half, attached to a piece of cardboard or poster board, and attached to the 3D artwork with string or wire). Tape a copy of the Artwork ID Form along with a photo of the artwork on the box (also applies to 2D relief artwork that needs a box).
  • Reference PDF is uploaded according to the rules. This form does not get attached to the artwork.

Suggestions for Selecting Artwork for Contest

  • A variety of works of art are encouraged. (processes, techniques, media or themes)
  • Similar-looking projects are discouraged.
  • Try to stay away from entering only one assignment in any level.


By individual jurors based on VASE standards. (See Adjudication Process in the High School VASE Rules & Policies, pages 8-10.)


All entries will receive a certificate and Rating 4 artworks receive a Regional medal.

  • All artworks receiving a Rating of 4 will advance to Area Judging, held at the end of the meet.
  • Top 10% of each division (level) of the Area-qualified artworks will be selected to advance to the State VASE Event.

Pick up artwork and medals at the end of the event.