High School VASE Logo

2025 Regional Directors and Dates

High School VASE | Junior VASE | TEAM

High School VASE

Regional Directors' and Jury Leads' names are email links.

Region Dates Regional Director
Jury Lead
1 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 2/22/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love that TAEA is a platform that brings excitement and celebration to art students and teachers. VASE is a wonderful beyond-the-classroom experience. It brings enlightenment and exposure to the part of our community that is passionate about visual arts. I believe this program shares a common goal with teachers of equipping and empowering a broad spectrum of talented students with the necessary knowledge and skills to become life-long learners. I've lived the experience as a high school student back in 2006 and I continue to see the positive impact it has on high school students today.

Qualifications Lead:
Jury Lead:
Carmen Valladares
2 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 3/1/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love that TAEA provides a unique and invaluable opportunity for art students and art educators to connect with peers who share their passion for creativity and expression. I firmly believe this helps to foster a sense of community and belonging, allowing individuals to exchange ideas, techniques, and inspirations. This network of like-minded individuals reinforces the understanding that art is not just a hobby, but an essential part of our lives and identities. Through collaboration and shared experiences, we gain insights into different perspectives and artistic practices, enriching our own journeys. The importance of art in our lives is profound, and TAEA serves as a vital platform for nurturing these connections, empowering us to grow as artists, art educators, and as individuals. Together, we celebrate the transformative power of art and strive to inspire one another to reach new heights in our creative endeavors.

Qualifications Lead:
Jury Lead:
Nikki Molder
3 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 2/22/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: When I participated in VASE as a student over twenty years ago, it was the event that marked the beginning of my calling to be an art educator. VASE takes students through the creative process in which the young artist experiences visual problems, forms creative solutions, creates goal plans, meets deadlines, and evaluates feedback. These skills are highly sought after in the professional world. In addition, the gorgeous student artwork I am honored to see is incredibly moving. I have seen VASE create a spark for many students as it did for me.

Qualifications Lead:
Jury Lead:
Sarah Ardner
4N Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 2/8/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: What I love about TAEA is their passion to advocate for the visual arts. This community of incredible people work together to provide support, professional development, and inspiration to art educators, administrators, and artists. I look forward to conference each year because of the abundance of art education knowledge and the opportunity to meet and create friendships with so many who share your passion from across the state.

Qualifications Lead:
Jury Lead:
Leah McWhorter
4S Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 2/15/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: What I love about TAEA is that it gives opportunity to every child, at every level, to participate in state-wide competition. I love seeing my own students get inspired and get the feeling of accomplishment from the chance to compete and view other competitors' work. It's a great way to bond with your students, as well as the comradery the students experience with each other.

Qualifications Lead:
Jury Lead:
Kayla Matthews
4W Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 3/1/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love that VASE is a place for students from all backgrounds and levels to get a chance to showcase their talent and get instant feedback that allows them to grow as artist and students. My students' confidence and their creativity grow after they attend a VASE event every time! TAEA is the same for teachers. I love working with and learning from so many amazing art teachers across Texas. It really is a place of continual learning.

Qualifications Lead:
Jury Lead:
Theresa Burgess
4E Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 2/22/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: Art has the role in education of helping children become like themselves instead of more like everyone else. (Sydney G. Clements)

Qualifications Lead:
Jury Lead:
Kelley Finley
6 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 3/1/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love the passion that the organization's members have about art education and their dedication to provide quality professional development and advocacy for art in our schools, art students, and teachers in the state of Texas and across the nation. VASE is an incredible opportunity that gives every student the opportunity to shine and feel valued about something they love, ART!

Qualifications Lead:
Jury Lead:
Kim Marshall
7 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 2/15/2025
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Qualifications Lead:
Jury Lead:
Wayne Gaddis
8 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 2/22/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: ART MATTERS! I believe TAEA/VASE are distinguished programs that provide Texas art students recognition, motivation, passion, and experiential learning. These organizations take considerable care and attention to benefit all involved: students, administrators, teachers, schools, communities, families, and the art world at large. As a passionate art enthusiast, and a promoter of sharing visual ideas to offer unique experiences, inspire dialogues, and create catalysts for culture, I believe this to be worthwhile and life changing work.
Mario Munguia Jr
9 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 3/1/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love that VASE gives students the opportunity to hear another voice that encourages them and reinforces the importance of art being part of their lives and their community. My students who have participated in VASE have a new perspective of creative decision making and production due to all of the exposure to new ideas and new processes.
Chris Mayfield
10N Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 3/1/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: TAEA / VASE has always been the standard of excellence in the art education community for students and art teachers throughout the state of Texas. Each year it helps to motivate and encourage students and teachers to reach for their highest level of artistic quality and expression.

Qualifications Lead:
Jury Lead:
Leonard Buscemi
10S Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 2/8/2025
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Qualifications Lead:
Jury Lead:
10E Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 2/22/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love that TAEA helps educators advocate for the visual arts. Being a member of TAEA has allowed me the opportunity to network and train with fellow art educators and become a better teacher for my students. The opportunities for both educators and students alike created by TAEA would not be available otherwise, and for that I am grateful. The experience students gain through competing in VASE encourages them to grow in ways that can only happen through multiple voices.

Qualifications Lead:
Jury Lead:
Jennifer Holliday
11N Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 2/22/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love that VASE gives students a chance to show their hard work to the community and their peers. With any other extracurricular activity there is typically a show, performance, or game, and with visual art, sometimes these students have to wait until the end of the year to showcase what they've done; and even then it can be a small audience. With VASE, a huge number of artists — from students to teachers to judges and community members — come out and give these students the recognition they deserve. VASE really helps grow visual arts programs through these interactions.

Qualifications Lead:
Jury Lead:
Mikaela Bachmann
11S Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 3/1/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love everything about TAEA. Art education has always been my heart and soul, and through TAEA I have been able to feed my soul with art-minded friends and artistic events. I have been able to use the resources they provide to help my students and colleagues grow and explore. I hope to use my time as Region 11 Representative to set up even more opportunities for creative interactions amongst us. I love VASE because of what the kids get out of it! I love to hear them talk about the amazing artwork they see at the event, the advice they got from the juror or another student, and how inspired they are to get back in the studio and make more art. VASE really gives students a chance to put their voices into their work and share it with everyone. Bonus, the teachers are usually just as inspired as the kids!

Qualifications Lead:
Jury Lead:
Dallas Williams
11W Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 2/15/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: Wow - I never really thought I would have the honor of writing as a Regional Director for VASE when I learned about VASE in 2013 and took my first small group of Jr. High students' art work to their first event. I knew from that moment on that this collective of creative minds were like me. I had found My People! When we work with students, we see them go through so many stages in life and some times we can help and sometimes words are not enough. Art is truly a therapy and escape, but also a way of telling their stories. Without TAEA / VASE, many of our students would fall by the wayside. I will always be grateful to the founders of VASE and those who have kept it running! I tell my kids two things each year: "We live in Texas, we go BIG or we go home, and it's not 4'oclock yet!" "If you can write your name you can draw. After all Letters are just LINES we have learned to read."

Qualifications Lead:
Jury Lead:
Baryn Shepherd
12 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 2/15/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I am so thrilled and eager to be a part of TAEA and VASE as a teacher as well as your Region 12 Director! I truly believe in giving and receiving support from fellow educators and students alike to encourage each other to be better artists and to receive constructive feedback at all levels. The TAEA conference is always the highlight of my year, knowing I will learn so much from my peers. I am always happy to help you navigate your way through the VASE experience from beginning to end.

Qualifications Lead:
Jury Lead:
Julie Smith
13N Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 3/1/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: TAEA is an organization that does a great job of providing opportunities for visual arts instructors to showcase student work. These opportunities lead to greater successes for students inside and outside of the classroom.

Qualifications Lead:
Jury Lead:
Michael Yentzen
13S Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 2/8/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: TAEA offers a strong community for art educators to help advocate for their visual arts students. They offer opportunities for students to obtain viable skills to help them grow and develop as adults and artists.

Qualifications Lead:
Jury Lead:
Ashley Buehler
14 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 3/1/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: What I love most about TAEA / VASE is being able to help my regional art teachers bring their students together and foster a community that feels comfortable sharing their art with others and nurturing a lifelong joy for creating.
Ashley Lowrance
15 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 2/22/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: As a teacher, Regional Director, and juror, I love the opportunity that VASE allows for our students to promote themselves and their art talent. The time and work invested in VASE each year is rewarded to us when we see the confidence that is instilled in our students through their hard work.
Suzanne Horner
16 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 2/15/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: There are many things that I love about TAEA and the leadership and support it provides for art education, but what I love most is that students and the teachers are always at the center of the organization's purpose and mission. VASE, JRVASE, TEAM, and State VASE are excellent opportunities for art students of all ages to grow as young artists and gain confidence in their abilities and potential for future success. TAEA leaders and members go above-and-beyond to support each other and build a community that lifts everyone to a higher standard of art education. I am thankful for our TAEA professional organization and all the amazing people in it!

Jury Lead:
Denise Olson
17 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 2/15/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love how the heart of TAEA is the network of educators that come together for the furthering of visual art; this is what makes TAEA. With the many student and teacher art show possibilities, TAEA helps facilitate the showing of student work, through VASE and many other show opportunities. VASE serves to remind us that making the work is just part of the artistic process, and that analysis and displaying art are also parts of learning the art process.

Qualifications Lead:
Matthew Wright
18 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 3/1/2025
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Laree Morris
19 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 2/15/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love that TAEA is comprised of like-minded individuals all throughout Texas that believe in the importance of visual arts education. They work tirelessly to provide events, opportunities, and inspiration for teachers and students alike. It brings me great hope to know that this organization exists and that they will continue to have their hand in supporting this creative outlet that our society needs.

Qualifications Lead:
Jury Lead:
Candace Printz
20E Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 2/22/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love TAEA's long history of working together to advocate for young artists of our state. When the need for recognition of student artists was seen, TAEA took the vision of Dr. Henderson and developed, maintained, and often re-invented the definition of student art assessment through its continual commitment to VASE. Through VASE, TAEA has established an unprecedented avenue for students to express their unique voices, explore the vast array of visual art media and cultivate their passion for art. I have enjoyed being a part of VASE for the past 26 years and hosting VASE for our culturally-rich Region 20E community every year.

Qualifications Lead:
Jury Lead:
20W Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 2/15/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love the opportunities that TAEA provides for professional development, advocacy for art education in the community, and continuous support of fellow art teachers. I look forward to the TAEA Conference every year because it sparks creative ideas to take back to the classroom and renews my love for what I do to help students foster imagination, creativity, and their passion for the visual arts. Finally, TAEA has fostered friendships that will last a lifetime.

Qualifications Lead:
Jury Lead:
Ambra Hernandez

Junior VASE

Regional Directors' and Jury Leads' names are email links.

Region Dates Regional Director
Jury Lead
1 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: TBD
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What I Love About TAEA: I love being a part of a community in education that's so passionate about sharing the value art brings to our world. TAEA empowers us to better ourselves as educators and artists which enables us to better teach our students. The VASE and Jr. VASE experience is also something that I'm extremely proud to be a part of as it gives our kids an opportunity that they're rarely given but are so deserving of, which is to showcase and be recognized for their talent and also to know that they're part of a large community of creatives!

Jury Lead:
Julio Rodriguez
2 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: TBD
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What I Love About TAEA: TAEA gives its members the opportunity to build a professional network of colleague who share the same passion for art education. As we learn from each other we become stronger advocates for our art students and programs in our schools.
Alejandra Pena
3 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 4/12/2025
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Brianna Cervantez
4S Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: TBD
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Jury Lead:
4N Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 3/8/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love that TAEA has provided a platform for Visual Art Educators to come together to collaborate, encourage, and inspire each other through all of the Art resources provided, Conferences/PD's, and leadership opportunities. As an Art Teacher, all of my experiences, with TAEA, have translated into the Art room! I especially love that TAEA has founded VASE which has given our students a voice. Seeing the excitement on a student's face of accomplishment through recognition at VASE is the ultimate reward! I am blessed to be part of such an amazing team who serves our biggest fans, our Visual Art Students! Thank you TAEA!

Jury Lead:
Christina Moreno
4W Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 4/5/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love that TAEA creates a community of artist educators and expands their ability to create authentic experiences for our students through shared vision and professional development. I love how VASE is not only a platform that highlights student growth and achievement, it also provides meaningful feedback and helps young artists build confidence in their work.

Jury Lead:
Jaime Townsend
6 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 4/5/2025
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Jury Lead:
7 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 4/12/2025
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Jury Lead:
Norma McClung
8 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 3/22/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: TAEA is a great way for teachers to collaborate with one another from across the state. It is also a very positive advocate for the arts. Participation in Junior VASE gives the students an opportunity to showcase their creative abilities, and it is an outstanding learning experience.
Tabitha Houchens
10N Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 4/12/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I like that TAEA is about Partnership, Participation, and Promotion. Being involved in TAEA has allowed me to grow as an art teacher and artist. Being able to collaborate with other art teachers is essential because I don't know it all. I love how willing and open the community is. JRVASE allows our students the opportunity to grow as artists, and it helps them stretch their abilities. It allows our students an opportunity to showcase their work.

Jury Lead:
Heather Talan
10S Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 5/3/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love the large learning community. TAEA connects art teachers from all over the state to share the collective wealth of experience and knowledge. JRVASE gives my learners the opportunity to see peers work from the region and shine in a way they don't otherwise have. All of my learners leave JRVASE with a new sense of accomplishment and belonging.

Jury Lead:
Shannon Nop
11N Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 5/3/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love the community that Jr. VASE creates and getting to see the hard work of students. Providing an opportunity for students to showcase their artistic thinking, celebrate their success, and advocate for art programs is the highlight of my year.
Shelby Klasel
11S Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 4/12/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: TAEA is a community of like minds. I love going to the conferences and being surrounded by all the creativity and amazing ideas. VASE is an amazing platform for the students to display and converse about their art. It provides a safe place to be creative and artsy. I am always in awe of the wonderful creations.

Jury Lead:
Shannon Morris
12 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 4/12/2025
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Jordan Love
13N Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 5/3/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love JRVASE and the opportunity that it gives students to grow as artists. It is such a great experience to build their confidence.

Jury Lead:
Stephanie Ludlow
13S Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 4/5/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I am grateful to be a part of an organization dedicated to advocating for Visual Arts education and inspiring the creative potential of our students. I love and appreciate TAEA for enabling me to connect with fellow art educators across the state.

Jury Lead:
Victoria Bailey
15 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 3/8/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love that I get to be a part of the TAEA Visual Art Scholastic Event (VASE) mission. Too often, art students do not get the recognition deserved for the work they create or the messages they are trying to express through their artwork. VASE gives students the opportunity to do just that, and it gives our proud teachers an avenue to share their students' talents with others. It creates a community where our art students feel they belong and allows them to network with other students that all share common interests. I am so thankful to be a part of such an outstanding organization.
Megan Brown
16 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 4/12/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: There are many things that I love about TAEA and the leadership and support it provides for art education, but what I love most is that students and the teachers are always at the center of the organization's purpose and mission. VASE, JRVASE, TEAM, and State VASE are excellent opportunities for art students of all ages to grow as young artists and gain confidence in their abilities and potential for future success. TAEA leaders and members go above-and-beyond to support each other and build a community that lifts everyone to a higher standard of art education. I am thankful for our TAEA professional organization and all the amazing people in it!
Denise Olson
17 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 4/12/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love how the heart of TAEA is the network of educators that come together for the furthering of visual art; this is what makes TAEA. With the many student and teacher art show possibilities, TAEA helps facilitate the showing of student work, through VASE and many other show opportunities. VASE serves to remind us that making the work is just part of the artistic process, and that analysis and displaying art are also parts of learning the art process.
Matthew Wright
18 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 5/3/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love how everyone is so willing to help and share with each other. If you are struggling with a lesson or how to get something to work, you can always reach out to the friends who turn into family from TAEA for help.
Robbyne Teel
19 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 5/3/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love that TAEA is comprised of like-minded individuals all throughout Texas that believe in the importance of visual arts education. They work tirelessly to provide events, opportunities, and inspiration for teachers and students alike. It brings me great hope to know that this organization exists and that they will continue to have their hand in supporting this creative outlet that our society needs.
Candace Printz
20E Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 4/12/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love TAEA because I believe in its mission and believe together, art teachers are stronger — stronger in the classroom, stronger in our districts, stronger in the Texas legislature. Because of TAEA, art teachers become better educators through professional learning, advocacy, collaboration, and support. I hold TAEA deep in my heart. As a member since 2000, I have met numerous amazing art educators forming many lasting friendships and bonds. TAEA is a strong voice for art educators in the state of Texas, and I hope you will become our newest member!
Maureen Doebbler
20W Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 4/5/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love that TAEA is an organized platform that helps us recognize the love and passion our art students and our art teachers have for the arts. We are lifelong learners and TAEA creates professional development opportunities that are exciting, it educates the community, and it continues to empower our students and teachers with their continuous support. I was that high school art student who was and continues to be passionate about the arts and will always believe in the power of an organization like TAEA that helps celebrate our students and teachers beyond the classroom experience.

Jury Lead:
Cruz Ramirez


Regional Directors' and Jury Leads' names are email links.

Region Dates Regional Director
Jury Lead
1 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 3/29/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I'm truly fortunate to be a part of a program that fosters creativity and visual expression. What I love most about TAEA, is being able to share student artwork from across the state with my students in this area. It's incredible to see not only the skills of young artists but, also common themes and new or contemporary concepts that unite our youth. I'm excited to see what this year brings.
Cynthia Vela
2 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 3/22/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: TAEA gives its members the opportunity to build a professional network of colleague who share the same passion for art education. As we learn from each other we become stronger advocates for our art students and programs in our schools.
Alejandra Pena
4N Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 3/1/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I absolutely love being part of an organization that allows me to lead others to be successful! My passion is assisting teachers to have the most successful and creative classroom possible. This organization provides passion and support for the arts where every single student can be happy and ecstatic about what type of composition they are creating. This group has so many avenues of support, resources, and new opportunities for teachers to learn and foster growth within the arts.
Brandi Lawrence
4S Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 4/5/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: We have such a great network of amazing teachers. Our conferences are a ton of fun with wonderful lessons shared and guest artists that present. Students across the state have many opportunities to showcase their artwork in our various exhibitions. I am very grateful to be a member of TAEA.
Ruthi Clement
4W Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 5/10/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I am consistently inspired and rejuvenated by the connections, collaborations, and experiences I share through TAEA. I continue to learn and grow as a Fine Arts Educator bringing new tools for success into the classroom and my student's lives. TAEA functions keep me feeling accomplished as I thoroughly enjoy watching students grow and benefit from all the countless opportunities. It never gets old.
Amber Lockman
6 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 4/12/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: TAEA has given me a circle of friends who have the same passions and goals as myself — to make art accessible to all of our students! They encourage and push me to be the best art educator I can be, and they have taught me to share that passion with others in my district as well as across the state.
Teri Clark
7 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 4/5/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: One of the many reasons I love TAEA is the ability to connect, support, and share with amazing artists, art educators, and schools all over the world. Each TAEA conference is unique and gives a vast variety of art styles, ideas, and media shared through personal experiences and inspiring stories of fellow artists and art educators. TAEA also recognizes student artworks and achievements through TEAM, Junior VASE and High School VASE. Each of these are wonderful art competitions that allow students of all ages and locations to submit and share their personal artwork with the world. I'm very proud to be part of TAEA.
Amanda Dunn
8 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 3/22/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love the great opportunities through TAEA that allow us to connect and learn from art educators across the state. We are fortunate to have a wonderful community of artists that provide support, professional development, and inspiration that we can take into our classrooms and share with our students. TAEA gives us the distinguished TEAM/VASE programs that allow our students the chance to showcase their talents and to advocate for the arts. It is an honor to be part of this amazing organization that cares about not only our students and teachers, but our community and sharing the arts with everyone.
Patsy Griffin
10 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 4/12/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: TAEA gives Art educators like me a chance to not only learn, but also network and grow with the help of fellow art teachers from all over Texas. It helps us all become better teachers to help our students blossom into the true artists they are. VASE, Jr VASE, and TEAM are all positive experiences for our students and helpful in boosting their confidence and giving them a sense of accomplishment. I am so excited for what this year brings!

Jury Lead:
Tara Torres
11 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 5/3/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love TAEA because it offers a world of possibilities. It provides opportunities for teachers to meet up to learn, collaborate, and to get help with ideas on how to teach different techniques. It also offers opportunities for our students to be recognized, earn scholarships, and to experience their art on a bigger stage. I'm excited to work with TEAM because my students have so enjoyed being a part of it. I have students who might not excel in any other area, but their art is outstanding. It gives them the chance to create and be recognized on a state level for their amazing artwork.
Carolyn Marks
12 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 4/5/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love that TAEA promotes the visual arts within our schools and provides opportunities for our students to get recognition for their artwork. I love that TAEA creates opportunities for us to meet and collaborate with others in our field. I love that TAEA creates opportunities for teachers to be leaders in our area of expertise. I love that TAEA cares about and supports visual arts and artists in Texas! I LOVE TAEA!
Katherine Patrick
13 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 4/12/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: TAEA is becoming an important resource for us art teachers. I appreciate all the support I have found and I'm always looking forward to our conferences. I am looking forward to helping others and my continuing learning of my craft. I'm thankful I was able to find this organization and become part of a great supportive team.
Lily Guevara
14 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 3/29/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: One thing I love about TAEA is the opportunity its competitions offer my students. They are so excited to be selected to compete and, in fact, work hard to earn the privilege. I love the fact that they get feedback from the judges as well as recognition for their hard work and the growth they have exhibited. I also love the ideas I get from attending the TAEA conference and the chance to network with other art educators. Overall, I love TAEA because it provides inspiration for both me and my students.
Betsy Gragg
15 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 4/5/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I am deeply appreciative of how TAEA showcases the elementary art programs. In a time when many are trying to eliminate art programs, this exposure helps bring attention to the importance of art in schools.
Domenica Bowman
17 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 4/5/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love TAEA because of the opportunities it brings for my students — from sharing their artwork to being able to see what other students are doing across Texas. I also love that TAEA gives me the opportunity to grow and learn to better inspire my students. I treasure the inspiration I get from the conference and from other members.
Angela Zesiger
18 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 5/10/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love that TAEA recognizes and supports the visual arts in our state. I appreciate the comradery and support from other art teachers and the knowledge that is shared at conventions. The UIL contests TEAM, Junior VASE, and High School VASE help to showcase the importance of teaching the entire child from early ages all the way through to adulthood.
Allison Rainwater Lara
19 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 5/10/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: I love TAEA's commitment to advocating for art education through all levels of education. I love the opportunity for all students to participate in programs like VASE throughout their education. I appreciate the community of members TAEA has to connect and network through professional development and resources.
Belenice Godinez
20 Add / Delete Deadline:
Event: 5/10/2025
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What I Love About TAEA: My students and I love participating in TEAM because it serves as a meaningful way to validate students' artistic visions while instilling pride in all those involved.
Mary Gilley