Job Listings : HS Art Teacher

Position Title: HS Art Teacher
Academic Level: Secondary
Company Name: TEXAS CITY ISD
Region: 4
Contact Name: Mark Lyon
Contact Title: Director of Fine Arts
Contact Address: 1700 Ninth Avenue North
Contact City: Texas City
Contact State: TX
Contact Zip: 77590
Contact Phone: 4099160152
Contact Fax:
Contact Email Address: mlyon@tcisd.org
Company / District Website: http://www.tcisd.org
Comments, Instructions, or
Additional Information:
Texas City ISD is looking for a stellar Art teacher for Texas City HS. Texas City has won the district of distinction award every year as well as many other awards. This is a great school and district that supports the art. Please apply online at www.tcisd.org and send your resume to Mark Lyon, Director of Fine Arts at mlyon@tcisd.org.
Expiration Date: 8/3/2024