Your search found 396 records. Click on the thumbnail to view larger image.
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Adkins, Makayla Kaleidoscope Region - 12 Belton Middle School Silver Medal |
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Akula, Sharanya Radial Bugs Region - 10S Coppell Ms West Silver Medal |
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Aleman, Liliana Blue Porcupine Region - 13S Lamar Middle School Silver Medal |
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Ali, Raqeeb Self-portrait In A Portrait Region - 10S O'banion M.s Silver Medal |
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Ali, Raqeeb My Momma Region - 10S O'banion M.s Silver Medal |
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Alldredge, Reina My Colorful Self Region - 12 Goldthwaite High School Silver Medal |
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Allen, Carson Carson Region - 10S Coppell Ms West Silver Medal |
Amaya, Valerie Imagine And See Region - 4E Rayford Intermediate Silver Medal |
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Ammaresh, Lekitha Watermelon Surprise Region - 10S Coppell Ms West Silver Medal |
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An, Christopher Old Steam In The New World- Taxis Region - 4W Memorial Middle School Silver Medal |
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Andersen, Sarah Odd One Out Region - 13N Walsh Middle School Silver Medal |
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Anderson, Ella Lighting The Way Region - 6 The John Cooper School Silver Medal |
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